Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adios Hank Skinner

I have chosen to critique a post from the UrbanGrounds Blog mostly because of its relevance to my first post “Dying Innocence?” about Hank Skinner. Hank Skinner for those of you who don’t know is set to be executed tomorrow March 24 for conviction of a triple homicide including his wife and two kids back in 1993.
The Author of UrbanGrounds Robbie Cooper considers himself a conservative completely against Liberal and main stream media for “siding with and apologizing for our terrorist enemies.” He posted the article “Hank Skinner: Guilty as hell and a Date with the Gurney” to his blog arguing Hank Skinner Guilty and anyone who considers him innocent is stupid and deranged including the author of my first article Brandi Grissom.
His posting seems to be directed toward anyone considering Hank Skinner innocent and gives little thought to any other reasoning rather than guilty as charged. He makes the assumptions in the article that anyone considering Hank’s innocence must have some sort of sick “star-struck groupie” attachment to him. He also continues on to say that if the jury who considered his case came to the conclusion of guilty then that was more than enough. One can tell from his article that he believes that the government has done everything right by sentencing Hank to murder and denying any appeals to investigate another suspect and conduct another blood spatter analysis.
Robbie seems to have posted this blog in anger but supports his argument with the factual evidence reported from the Attorney General’s office. He also provides links to show the mass obsession people seem to have with murderers including followers of Hank himself protesting his execution.
Overall I would consider his argument a success, although it was written in a way as to not even consider the alternative. The Factual Evidence I feel is more than enough to assume Hank guilty. I feel it would have been more successful had he considered Brandi Grissom’s argument about lack of information provided rather than claiming her a “star-struck groupie.”
Robbie Cooper "Hank Skinner: Guilty as Hell and a Date with the Gurney" March 23, 2010 UrbanGrounds

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